Monday, February 28, 2011

No Talent

So I'm not the type of person looking for a relationship, nor am I looking for one. Lately, however, I have noticed that when the time comes and I do want to get serious how am I gonna win the ladies over? In all honestly I've read some girls profiles, blogs, etc. It seems like the guys that actually have chance to be with a women are the ones who have some sort of unique artistic talent, whether it be playing an instrument, drawing, singing, dancing, writting, or some other skill that gets to the women. I thought about what my unique talent my be. Guitar? No, I tried learning and my fingers won't move the way I want them to. I haven't given up, it's just not the talent that will win a women's heart. Piano? HA! No, again, my fingers don't agree with how I play. When I play I don't make music I make some sort of awful God forbidden sound that makes you want to cut your ears off. I haven't given up on the piano either, but it's not my talent. Drawing? .... Let's just stop right there. Dancing? I'm not much of a dancer, I mean I was too shy to dance until the last bit of my junior year of high school after I stopped caring if people thought I looked like an idiot. Singing? Now this is a secret hobby of mine. I wish I could sing, I always enjoyed it, but my voice isn't exactly the greatest out there. My singing voice would just scare all the women away, and that would just be doing the exact opposite of what I'm trying to do. Writting? Another secret hobby of mine. I wish I was more artistic so I could write a masterpiece. Probably do something cliche like explain how a certain someone makes me feel, or talk about how amazingly beautiful they are. However I'm not much of a writter either. I have no skill what's so ever that would catch a women's attention. I know that you don't need one, but it does seem like you do to have a decent shot, and if I do have a talent I wish I knew what it was. Maybe... It's just listening. Girls dig that right? I love to listen to what people have to tell me, and unlike some men with there girlfriends, or wives who don't listen and just agree with everything, I actually show some interest in what someone tells me. It sounds lame I know, anyone can listen. Think Elmer think.... Maybe I'm just talentless, and in all honesty is that a bad thing? Who knows for now I'll just stop thinking about it and worry about other things.

Question for the post:
This one will have one for the guys and one for the girls.

Guys: Do you think it is important to have a skill to win a girls heart?

Girls: Would you like your man to have a unique skill?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Want to Write a Song With You That Will Last a Lifetime!

I don't know why but I've been feeling rather poetic lately, but like everyone else who gets in this kind of mood I have writer's block. There is however one line I want to use in a poem, and that line is on the title of this blog. "I want to write a song with you that will last a lifetime." I have no idea where this came from, but it sounds familiar like from a song. I wouldn't doubt it if it did. Before I go looking up if it is or not I just wanted to explore the possibilities of what this ment.

1. Live my life with my significant other to the fullest. Do so many things together, things that make us happy. We'll write our "song" together as time goes on, and when the time has come and the end is near, we can look back on life and think of all the amazing things we've done, times we've had and just reminisce and listen to our amazing "song".

2. I took this a bit literal, but what if my partner and I wrote a song and kept adding on to it as life went on. Whenever something good happened we would play a jolly tune in our song, and when things went, bad we transition the song to sound a little more down, and just keep adding til we feel as if nothing else can be added. We will write the finale together, and see how it has all turned out.

I know It all sounds a little bit cheesy, but for one I didn't know how to word the 1st one tha well, but I was thinking something along those lines, and same goes for the second one. I hope I get around to writting a poem or something using that line. In the mean time good 'ol Elmer needs some sleep. Oh I know I haven't had a friend of the post in a while, but I have decided to stop that. So instead I will be having a question at the end of each post, and I would like to hear your answers! So this posts question is: What does that line mean to you? "I want to write a song with you that will last a lifetime". There is no right or wrong answer, but if you can just put your answer as a comment when I post a link to this on Facebook.  Sweet dreams everyone! :]
