Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Well last two weeks of school are here, and I will admit I never thought that school would be this stressful during finals. I mean I heard it got bad, but this is just something else. I'm gonna be alone here for these two weeks so this should be interesting. I started going back to my old self, and it's when I felt lost alone and as if no is there for me. I understand that I can't always have someone by me and that this is just merely a phase, but I never thought I would think like this again. I thought it was just all the High School stuff that made me this way, and it doesn't make sense why I feel this way now. Oh well... I try not to think too much of it, I got more important things going on at the moment. Although there is one way to counter this feeling, and it's something said by whom I believe is one of the most wisest men alive... Fabian Ramirez aka my cousin. "Life's too short not to be happy." These words changed me, and they also help balance me out when I felt like this back then, and I just remembered while I was typing what he had told me. The words are repeating in my head and you know what I don't feel as down as I did when I started this! It's true Life is too short and lately with a lot of change I decided to do life has been better than before. I don't live life as depressed as I was before, and it's because I decided to change. I mean I've been happier being who I really am around people . A good example is how I use to hide the fact that I played video games to people, and all because I thought people that was too nerdy, or how I liked certain things like anime or Magic. I got sidetracked off the main topic here but let's go back to my cousin. Fabian hope you're reading this sorry if I get all hallmark-y on ya. When I think about it I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my cousin here, seriously. He helped me get my college stuff together, made me less of a whiny bitch, and just taught me so much. I've enjoyed his company even when we we're little kids. Back then those we're... interesting times. The one thing I know for a fact he will never let me live down is when I ate on the bike and made a mushroom cloud on impact. I can't describe it well, but I'm sure he can. Well I think it's time for me to be hitting the sack. My bed is looking mighty sexy.

P.S I came up with the title after I was done with this post.

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