Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weird Dream

So last night I went to bed at ten. That was the most earliest I have gone to be in the past couple months, and I had this weird dream that I have to share with you. Okay so it started off in the Oasis (a casino) parking lot by Terrible's and their were five cars in the middle. I walk towards them and another car rolls by. Out of the car comes Amie, some one I knew in high school and we talk. Turns out she works in Oasis and I look over and the Oasis looks abandoned. She leaves and I head towards the car in the middle where I was orginally going and I see my cousin Francisco there. We talk and he approaches me angrily and says "Why haven't you talked to me? I'm guessing your college life is so busy that you don't want to talk to your cousin no more." Out of no where 3 people which where his friends and my little cousin Saulo pop out of no where. I tell Saulo "Saulo don't I ask you everytime I see you how Francisco is doing." He nods. Francisco then walks away and everyone follows him. Then this is where I enter part 2 of my dream. I weant on a trip to this Museum with Marco an old friend of mine and were joined by three of his friends. We go in looking around and a girl that one of Marco's friend likes walks up to us and his friend was going to purpose to her, and I step in and say something and she walks away. Marco's friend was a little bummed out, but we go on with our day. This is were this dream gets tripped out. All of a sudden the museum gets attacked by Deadpool (a Marvel character I will provide a picture at the end) and he's just having fun blowing shit up. Then Goku (Dbz character again I'll provide a picture) comes in and knocks dead pool across the building. Goku yells out at the people "Get out now I'll hold him off!" So Marco's gang and I bounce out of there, and I drive off. I start wondering how the fight is going on the way home so I call Krillin (another dbz character) and instead of Krillin answering it was Goku.

Goku: What!?!

Me: I'm coming back to help

Goku: Don't be an idiot you'll get killed

Me: I don't care I'm on my way!
-Hang up-

I come back and Goku is gone and Deadpool is standing there. We don't fight and we just play a crane game! He says that if he gets one I can have a free punch at him. Weird rules right? Well he was able to move the crane how he wanted and he got one on purpose. After he got it he ran away and everyone praised me and called me a hero! It was a weird, and that was my dream. Not interesting or entertaining at all just weird.

Anyway time for friend of the post!
This time's friendof the post is... Marco Santos! I've known good 'ol Marco for since middle school, and I truly got to know him toward mid junior year. During guitar class we'd chill, talk, and help each other out with life problems. Marco is awesome in the sense of making every problem into a funny problem. He knew what to say to make you laugh. So Marco congrats for this weeks friend of the post. I hope most of you enjoyed reading about my weird dream. Until next time! :]

mvc3-deadpool.jpg Deadpool image by Nichirin86

dragon_ball_z_budokai_tenkaichi_-4.jpg Goku Super Saiyan 2 image by Animefan8990


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friend of the Post!

Things have been great down here to say the least, but lately a couple strange things have happened. First my food. When I weant to go visit my mom this last weekened she was really nice as to pack up a bit a food for me. Everything was great until yesterday when Robert and I found out that the food was bad. No smell could describe how awful this stench was. GAWD! We had to throw it away so we weant outside to do that. We triple bagged the food just in case the first bagged ripped, but little did we know that the trash isn't picked up until Thursday, so for the next day or so the house is going to smell like dirty gym socks and dirty butthole! It really smells terrible. The next thing that happened was during last Friday night, and by that time Robert and I had already left to good 'ol BD. Well turns out that the house got bricked! Like someone just chucked bricks and smashed our windows. Seriously? What is this the 70's? Do they want us to move out or something geez. I couldn't figure why we would get bricked but here are some possibilities. 1. They wanted us to move out. 2. Someone in this house made enemies with the wrong people. 3. Somebody got drunk and decided to randomly brick peoples houses. I'm leaning more towards 2 and 3. All in all it's been great down here. It's not hot outside it's nice and cool. I've had the pleasure of going out for a walk at night and it's great! This place is really growing on me, but I still miss all the times I had back in BD. The only thing Cedat has over Beaver Dam is cooler temp. I'm going to be doing a thing in my blog I'll see how it works out, but it's called "Friend of th Post" where I randomly select a friend every time I post a blog post and just give you a little bit of their back story and my realtionship with that friend. I will be getting these friends randomly through Facebook. So hold on while I randomly select a friend. -Jeopardy theme plays in your head- ..... Oh by the way the way I randomly pick if you must know is I have that 21 questions app and first person to pop up will be Friend of the post! Look who it is, first friend of the post is... Juan! Juan Perez is a good friend whom I've known since back in Elementary school. What's awesome about Juan is he was/is (not sure on his situation sright now) a hardcore gamer and always tried to find ways have a better gaming experience. For example he gave me a list for game modes for Super Smash Bros for the 64. I vaguely remember one mode and that was called "James Bond Mode" which included picking Samus in her dark costume, setting the damage percentage to fifty, and choosing some other characters in certain colors. I'm guessing Samus was suppose to be James Bond. I also remember that he told me if you pick Kirby in his red color and swallow link you were suppose to look like someone, and if I recall correctly it was a DBZ character. I don't know, but anyway Juan has been awesome growing up and he's been cool when we've hung out. Overall great friend once you get to know him. Well I need some sleep. I was hoping writing this post would make me tired and well it has. Until the next post! :]