Sunday, October 21, 2012

Quick Note

Like usual I've had a lot on my mind lately, and right now what really is on my mind is how much I've changed. I compare myself to my high school self, and oh boy was I mess back then. I think if I were able to meet my past self some how I'd walk up to him, tell him to grit his teeth, and just bust him a good one right across the mouth. Seriously. I'm not to though what to make out of the person I am now. At times I feel like I''m walking down a road and I see the road splitting. One road being the good way to go, and the other the bad. I don't know man life is a mysterious, and unexpected journey. I realize though that all life really is is what you decide to make of it, and I'm definitely a way better person than I was before.  More positive, social, motivated, and awesome. In all seriousness this post isn't about much. I felt like I had to write something today, and well here it is as well as what's on my mind. One thing though.

Dear High School Elmer,

 Be strong you dumbass! Learn to let things go, and accept things for what they are. Don't try to make something out of any situation trust me that road leads no where. So save yourself some time and just live life for how awesome it should be. Be more social, go out, and have some fun for Christ sake. You won't be the world's best priest on World of Warcraft ( but I must admit you did a damn good job haha). That game will just be another phase. Stop looking for escapes in life and face your shit head on like the man  you will be. Start now so this isn't as difficult later on man. Be confident in who you are, and who you want to be. Forget what anyone else has to say man. If you don't take anything I say into consideration you will learn every lesson I'm trying to teach you... the hard way. Love you so much man! You have real potential, a burning spirit, now use it.
                                                 With much Love,
                                                      Future You

P.S: Also get a head start on working out, that way I don't have to do all the work. Haha!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Influential People

It has been over a good year since my last post, and a lot has happened within that year. Long story short I'm back in Mesquite working and I'll be starting community college here until I decide my next move. I always think of the reasons I came back, and as much as I want to say it was money problems, or not being able to find a job, it all depended on the people that influenced me. Now to expand on that I really could care less what you think of me, I live my life the way I want to. I will fuck up and make mistakes and I will learn from them. What I do is for my better being and it shouldn't matter to anyone what I do, and there is nothing you can say or do to change my mind. However, if you are one of the few people who influence me and who's opinion matter then I might think twice. These people have had my back for anything, have always shown me the way, and just overall have been helpful. These are the people that influence me and could change my mind about anything.

Family: Let's knock this one out of the way. The 3 people in my family who influence me are my bro, mom, and dad. My bro has wanted to see more me which is why he always was there at the gym with me, and I thank him for that. Mom has taken care of raised me, and some day I wish to return the favor. She does what she can to make sure Adrian (my bro) and I make it to the top! My dad... We have had a rough patch in our past and I won't understand some things until we have a good talk, but you've wanted to make sure that I shape up to be ready for the world, which I'll admit I might not be ready, but I don't think anyone can expect to be ready for what's out there. I do appreciate all that my dad has done.

Fabian: Alright he is family also, but still. Fabian is by far my favorite cousin. I think I have a whole blog post dedicated to this kid. You should take a look after you done reading this.

Robert: Bro since elementary school. Amazing how much we've been through without one of us killing each other yet. We've had each others back since we met, and even though he had a slight hiatus when i needed him most I'm just more glad for him for finally getting his head out of his ass. Never doubted you for a sec man. I'll be here if you ever need me

Irving: Bro #2 since elementary been through just as much with you as with Robert. When I didn't have Robert I had you and vise versa. Times only got better with both of you around. I am sorry if whenever we pick on you we go a bit too far. Know you can count on me for anything.

Angie: This one is a little bit of a shocker, and I'm sure it would be to her if she read this. Friends since High School, we've been through quite a bit as well. I've had more arguments with Angie than any other friend I know, but no matter what has happened, like how we didn't talk for 2 years, we seem to get along just fine as if nothing had ever happened. I wish I knew why that is. She sure does know how to make me feel bad haha. That's a good thing though

Mayra: Dear God! Mayra! What would I have done in High School without you? I may have driven you crazy at times, but you did the same to me! Our friendship was one that I enjoyed the most. We fought like siblings and pretty much decided that we were separated at birth. You seem to have a voice of reason. I know I can trust you for anything.

These are the most influential people in my life! If I lost any of them I'm sure I'd be devastated. Wait! There is one more person that influences me and he is at the top of the list!

Me: Why yes when I really sat down and thought about it who has influenced me more to do something other than myself. Why I've done what I've done was all because I DECIDED to do. When you break down everything you've done it was always you're choice why things happened. I was the one who decided not to go back to Cedar, I decided after a thousand times being told by my mom to look for a job the thousand and one time I went and looked, I decided to go back to school because I liked to learn, and I'm here where I am today, because I decided to here.

So yeah I'll keep doing what I'm doing.... Now I decide to go to sleep before work! Haha! 

Question: Who are the most influential people in your life?