Monday, December 13, 2010

Not Ready

It has been quite a week for me. With finals, moving out, and finding a new place I have been stressed out, but thankfully things worked out in the end. Finals weren't as bad as I thought.... To be honest it seemed a little too easy. I got to come home last Thursday which is nice I really missed my family, and I'm glad my finals were over a day earlier. I have had a lot to think about these last couple of days, I mean when I moved out on Saturday my parents helped me move out into this new place, but what I forgot was that my mine was a neat freak. She's one of those women who won't stop until that last spec on the house is clean, and well my mom didn't find my room to be the "cleanest" around. It wasn't too bad by normal standards I mean it was picked up for the most part it wasn't terrible, but for her it was. Any who while picking up, cleaning, and moving I was talking to my roomies and they helped too. I knew this mess bothered my mom she had this "we need to seriously talk when your friends are not around" look you could tell she wanted to say something at that point, and my dad doesn't help much either because all he does is agree with whatever my mom says. Which is actually quite funny sometimes except when it's directed at me. Here is a little example:

Mom: I didn't like the food at that restaurant.

Dad: Oh I know it was terrible I mean my tea tasted terrible, their service was lousy, and that steak tasted was so awful! That waiter is lucky I tipped him what I did. I was even about to have the server let me talk to the manager.

Mom: Well I meant my food was bad... I didn't like my meal. The service was actually good, and my tea was good as well.

Dad: Well.... That's what I meant.

So with my mom being upset about the condition of our room (I share this room with my friend Robert) We get to talking about my way of being. I get a little annoyed and try to ignore most of it, but I realized quite of few things in that conversation. I don't think I was ready to move out, but then again who is. I feel as if  I wasn't ready at all for anything. I mean when I thought about it I never actually wanted to face the real world, I never wanted to leave. Part of me inside is still a little kid who doesn't want to take all these responsibilities, all I want to do is just be in my own world, be happy, and play video games. Which is bad cause I can see the little kid inside me just crying and pouting. I know I'm still not ready, but I know I have to shape up and grow up a little if not I won't get no where this way. On the brighter side of things I have been a little more outgoing which is nice, like I took a girl to the movies last Tuesday. It was definitely a nice break from studying for finals. Either way with  all this stuff going on since last week I'm glad to be home for the holidays. I needed this time to relax, and from this point on I will try to be a wiser person than I was before. That's all for now kiddies, If I don't write on here from this point till Christmas well may you all have happy holidays, and very Merry Christmas! :]