Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New Chapter

Well today was my second day of college and I must say it's nothing at all what I expected both in a good and bad way. My classes have been great so far and I'm enjoying my time here. One thing that I must complain about is the books. Really? I wish books were cheaper, but they way I see it college is a giant test, a test of endurance seeing whether or not in the in the end you're willing to put everything aside to succeed. I have accepted this test, but now it's time to see whether I pass or fail. I'm scared of failure but really that's what makes people fail in the first place is that they let fear control them. I will get through all my fears and hope that I pass. Back on the books. I almost cried when I found out how much they were, and they cost about 500 bucks USED! It was dumb, but thanks to my mother whom I love so much she thought ahead and started saving since years back, which is good because it makes financial problems a lot easier to handle. All in all Cedar has been great! The temperature is great, there is no violence, the people are friendly, and everything is walking distance from here. I'm really looking forward to what Cedar has to offer these next four years! Whatever comes from here on out I'll be as ready as I can be... Bring it Cedar!